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SemitotativeGlossary |
Let n ≥ 2 be an integer number base. A semitotative is a necessarily composite, nonregular, and noncoprime number s < n that is the product pq of at least one prime p | n, and at least one prime q that does not divide n. The semitotative does not divide any perfect power of base n, but is not coprime to n. The semitotative is an n-semicoprime number that is smaller than n, thus counted by the semitotative counting function.
The map below plots semitotatives in yellow. Number base n appears on the vertical axis and digit k appears on the horizontal.
Since the semitotative is a kind of composite number that is the product of at least one divisor and one nondivisor prime, we may express all semitotatives as a product of a regular factor r and coprime factor t:
s = r × t.
Therefore, the semitotative inherits richness ε from r and period λ from t. Hence, as denominators in a unit fraction 1/s, when expanded in base n, we see ε nonrepeating digits followed by a recurrent set of λ digits. Example: the decimal semitotative 6, as a unit fraction and decimally expanded, exhibits one non-recurrent digit after the decimal point followed by a recurrent 6, .1666…, since we can write 6 = 2 × 3, where 2 is a divisor of 10 and 3 is coprime, but divides 10 − 1 = 9, enjoying a period of 1. For decimal 1/14, 14 = 2 × 7; 2 is a divisor with richness 1, and 7 a decimal long prime with period 6, we have 1/14 = .0714285714285…, the 0 never repeated, the “714285” repeated endlessly.
The reckoning of n-semicoprimes s as the product of regular and coprime factors is useful in examination of their behavior in base n. This is because regular richness ε inherited from regular r and period λ inherited from coprime t govern which divisibility tests pertain to s in base n. The mixed-recurrent base-n expansion of 1/s is likewise explained by its regular and coprime factors.
The semitotative s = ξt is one of two kinds of neutral numbers ξ with respect to base n; i.e., these are nondivisors that are also not coprime to n, and thus are not counted by the divisor counting function τ(n) and the Euler totient function φ(n).
The semitotative counting function ξt(n) = A243823(n) is the number of semicoprime s < n:
ξt(n) = n − (RCF(n) + φ(n) − 1),
= ξ(n) − ξd(n)
or in terms of the OEIS:
A243823(n) = n − (A010846(n) + A000010(n) − 1),
= A045763(n) − A243822(n)
For prime p, ξt(p) = 0. In other words, prime bases p do not have semicoprimes smaller than p (i.e, semitotatives).
For prime powers pm > 4, semitotatives are the only pm-neutral numbers k < pm. We note that since n = 4 is the smallest composite and since semitotatives must be composite and less than n, n = 4 cannot have semitotatives.
The number n = 6 is the only n with ξd > 0 but ξt = 0. That is, with a semidivisor less than n (i.e., 4) but no semitotative. We observe that for n = 6, we can produce a semicoprime pq = 10 with the least prime divisor p = 2 and least prime nondivisor q = 5; since the number of q is infinite, and since we may use any number of p (but at least 1) and any number of q (but at least 1), we can produce an infinite number of 6-semicoprime numbers, but none less than 6.
All other composite n have at least one semitotative ξt < n, since we can produce ξt = pq with pq < n from the least prime divisor p and the least prime nondivisor q.
There are many “flavors” of semicoprimes (of which, semicoprimes less than n are semitotatives), principally governed by the properties of the coprime factor. The regular factor’s richness ε governs the practicality of any regular inheritors. Generally, if ε > 2, then a regular inheritor normally proves impractical. Here is a list of some of the many flavors of semicoprimes:
The map below plots the flavors of semitotatives. Number base n appears on the vertical axis and digit k appears on the horizontal.
Because n-semicoprime numbers are neither coprime to n nor n-regular, the distinction of the semitotative as a semicoprime less than n proves perhaps more “artificial” than the distinction of semidivisors less than n, or totatives of n, which are n-coprime numbers less than n. This is because naffects no limit upon n-semicoprime numbers, whereas the totatives of n are reduced residues that can be used mod n to determine any n-coprime number, and semidivisors are a type of n-regular number along with divisors of n; no divisor can exceed n itself, thus all n-regular numbers larger than n are semidivisors.
The semitotative is so-named as, among “digits” 0 ≤ k < n (the digit 0 taken to signify congruence with n and not actual zero), as regards the human use of number bases, semitotatives generally behave as resistance like the totatives. Further, the semitotative is a product involving at least one factor coprime to n.
There are a few sequences in the OEIS that examine the semidivisors 1 < ξd < n:
A243823: Semitotative counting function.*
A272619: Semitotatives of n.*
A304572: Characteristic function of numbers m such that m divides no integer power of n yet gcd(m, n) > 1.*
A292867: A243823 recordsetters.*
A293868: Records in A243823.*
A096014: Smallest m semicoprime to n: product of least prime factor p and smallest prime q that does not divide n.
A291989: Least m > n semicoprime to n.* (i.e., the smallest semicoprime not a semitotative.)
A300858: A243823(n) − A243822(n). (A300858(p) for p prime = 0, for n = {6, 10, 12, 18, 30}, A300858(n) is negative.)
A300860: A300858 recordsetters.*
A300861: Records in A300858.*
The colors used to represent semitotatives in this work appear in the table below:
The term “semitotative” is a 2008 coinage of the author of this work. The term applied to one of two species of n-neutral number which was not a composite product restricted to primes p | n. Seeing primes, with regard to n, as either a divisor p or a nondivisor (and thereby coprime) q, the semi-totative is the product of at least one p and at least one q and are always composite. In researching an extant name for such an entity, the author turned up no standard. The term settled mainly through euphony with the term for the other n-neutral entity, the semidivisor, as the two terms for the species influenced one another. Later consideration saw the term “semidivisor” expand to any nondivisor n-regular, while the term “semicoprime” developed to cover any product of n-regular r and n-coprime t. The “totative” component of the word implies that we refer to entities k ≤ n, therefore a new term became necessary to refer to any product as defined above, unbounded by n.
The term attempts to succinctly describe a composite integer k that is the product of a regular number r and a totative 1 < t < n, whereas “semicoprime” refers to a composite integer k that is the product of a regular number r and any number t > 1 coprime to n.
Michael De Vlieger, Exploring Number Bases as Tools, ACM Inroads, 2012, Vol. 3, No. 1, 4-12.
Hardy & Wright, 141-145.