Greater Round

A number 90 ≤ RG ≤ 150 in the vicinity of 120 but “friendly” to base n used in this work as a rule of thumb to suggest a percent-like division. The number RG should be the that n-regular number closest to 120 (meaning that RG divides some perfect power of n). In the case of prime numbers or any number that has no regular number between 90 and 120 inclusive, we presume RG = 150.

This table shows lesser rounds for bases 2 through 30 inclusive:

Base RG RG in base n
2 128 10000000
3 135 12000
4 128 2000
5 125 1000
6 144 400
7 147 300
8 128 200
9 144 170
10 100 100
11 121 100
12 144 100
13 143 b0
14 140 a0
15 150 a0
16 144 90
17 136 80
18 144 80
19 133 70
20 140 70
21 147 70
22 132 60
23 138 60
24 144 60
25 150 60
26 130 50
27 135 50
28 140 50
29 145 50
30 150 50